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Why Organic Cotton Shirts?

As we all know our farm fields are sprayed religiously with pesticides and other chemicals to advance our crops.  What some of us might not know is that cotton, along with tobacco and coffee, are among the three most pesticide-laden crops in the world.  It takes approximately 1/3 of a pound of pesticides to harvest and manufacture a conventional cotton t-shirt.  So all these years we have had the mind set that the 100% cotton…

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The Perfect T-Shirt

How many times have you been frustrated looking for the perfect fitting jeans or a perfectly fitted graphic or plain t-shirt just how you like it?  If you are anything like myself, this is an almost impossible task.  To add to the already complicated wild goose chase for the perfect t-shirt, some will be too long and others will be too short.  Some t-shirts will be too loose and others will be to tight. If you…

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New Urban Clothing Brands

In the past two years, many urban clothing designers have emerged.  These styles are not necessarily urban in a “hip-hop” means, but more so a city and street style for metropolitan hipsters looking to wear the latest trends.  Many of these brands have tried to successfully create a brand that could compete with the mass produced mall brands but not many have survived. Along with the few successful clothing brands, there have also been companies that have opened…

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